Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blue Zones: a simple, yet effective way to change the world one step at a time

"Employing a vast amount of data, our teams of researchers and scientists have identified places around the world where people live longer and know how to be happier than the rest of us. In pursuit of the quest to determine what these people do that’s unique and how we can adapt their secrets to fit our lives, the National Geographic Society sent Dan Buettner on assignment to these unique places." Blue Zones website

Every once in a while you read something that inspires. Check out the Blue Zone website or the recent issue of Oprah magazine to learn how several cities in Iowa, Minnesota and California implemented what was learned from the research to make simple changes to exercise, eating and behaviour.

The sum total of their efforts will amaze you - easy things like not having donuts in the office and lunchtime walks helped these cities become some of the healthiest cities in America, as a whole.

And we're not talking about quality of life improving for a few people. The work has reached 5 million people, all of whom have reported a significant increase in the quality of their lives. W.O.W. is all we can say.